buy 2d motion graphics

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2d motion graphics explainer

we will create 2d animated explainer video for your business. we are a explainer video production company who can build 2d motion graphics explainer video.

Animation is used in the film industry, television, game design, interactive learning, and is increasingly being used in marketing as well.

Motion design has become widespread as part of digital; revived drawings confidently move into the future:

they grab attention, provide endless opportunities for creativity in advertising, help quickly convey the brand’s message.

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In the consumption of information, users are increasingly preferring video content.

And marketers are only happy:

a moving picture engages the viewer in the story more actively than text, retains attention longer than a regular photo.

In many commercials, sound is added to engage the auditory channel as well.

Storytelling is actively used to promote products:

it can be a story about the foundation of a brand, about events in the life of a client, or about the inner workings of a company.

Good stories appeal to emotions:

they touch, scare, amuse, surprise, and fascinate.

This influence can also be supported by animated narrative.

This format has long been familiar to us thanks to stories in social networks, but you can also use animated storytelling in posts and on websites.

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You don’t necessarily need multi-step plots with details.

In fact, any movement or transformation that has a clear idea and conflict is already a small story.

The length and complexity of an animated story depends on the objectives, content and site on which you are posting the video.

In the traditional sense of storytelling, of course, this is a more detailed story:

brevity is not always good, because you need to have time to get into emotional contact with the viewer and convey your message.

However, it is the speed of perception that is the clear advantage of animation over text.

Reading takes a long time, but a person looks at the digital landscape in a split second and just as quickly tracks its changes.

Thanks to motion graphics, the viewer will instantly plunge into the atmosphere you have created, will be able to better and faster understand the philosophy of the brand: the client will unconsciously perceive the color, shapes and nature of movements.

On the other hand, it is easier to return to what you have read, and in the video this option is not so convenient:

therefore, the message in the video must be clear and unambiguous.

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Gamification creates closer contact between the user and the brand:

if you engage a person in an interesting activity, they feel a sense of ownership and are more loyal to the brand.

Games are very different.

And their goals, in addition to increasing loyalty, are also different – increasing the audience, selling a product, getting to know a new application, and so on.

People are not using motion design always for gamification and it’s also usable for riddles and puzzles with static graphics or text

But animation greatly expands the possibilities.

What’s important for companies?

Video content is becoming more and more popular.

Both general shooting and animation production are expensive, but if used successfully, they will bear fruit.

Short motion graphics are good for grabbing attention, creating a memorable image, and bringing infographics to life.

In large commercials, you can allegorically convey the philosophy of the brand to the client or demonstrate the product in action.

What’s important to users?

There is a lot of animation in the life of a modern person and, apparently, there will be even more.

If we talk about general trends, in 2019, design in motion is characterized by vectors similar to statics:

grainy textures, custom fonts, shape graphics, gradients.

We will not dwell on them in detail.

Let’s take a closer look at the directions of development that were only possible thanks to animation.

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Apparently, we need it – we see advertising animation on the Internet more and more often

also specialists at Headhunter have a good salaries.

But it’s hard to say if dynamic graphics is a marketing trend that will soon pass, or if animated content really has bright prospects.

Virtual reality technologies give a powerful impetus to the development of motion design
although in marketing they are still a curiosity and there is no need to talk about widespread use.

Now I see a big plus of animation simply in this fact:
users are not yet tired of it to the point of “advertising blindness”, but this is fixable.

The birthplace of motion graphics is film, television and games.

The Internet space has simply become a new platform for its development, animated images have taken their place:

as a service tool for creating convenient interfaces and as a content format along with photos, videos, illustrations and text.

The advantages of animation are that it easily grabs attention
it’s also elicits an emotional response, and makes it fun to present information.



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